Salamo aleikom dear sisters!
Here we publish links on reliable books about Islam. All the books are published after revision of our beloved teacher. Some of the books are available to borrow in Sweden. If you want to borrow, to share an interesting website or a book send an e-mail to Do not forget to write your opinion about the book, it will encourage your sisters and brothers to get new knowledge!
Abu Dharr narrated,the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said to me:
"O Abu Dharr! If you learn one verse from The Book of Allah (The Quran), it is better for you than to voluntarily pray one hundred rak'as (units of prayer), and if you learn a category of knowledge (religion), regardless if it is applied or not, it is better for you than to voluntarily pray one thousand rak'as."
(Ibn Majah, Sunan; Ibn Hajar Al-'Asqalani, Mukhtasar At-Targhib wa-t-Tarhib; Al-Ghazali, Ihya' 'Ulum Ad-Deen)

Child Education in Islam
Highlights and lessonsAuthor: Abdullah Nasih Ulwan
Dar Al-Salam, Cairo, 2004
Translated by M. Mahmood Ghali, M. Kamal Abdul-Ghani, A. Shafiq Elkhatib, Ali Ahmed Sha'ban, M. Ash-Shahhat Al-Gindi
This book outlines the basic Islamic concepts in child education. The author has tried to coordiante the main ideas, as well as the basics precepts for raising Muslim children in all the different spheres of life.
Nasih Ulwan
Man Between Preordainment and Free Will
Author: Abdullah Nasih Ulwan
Dar Al-Salam, Cairo, 2006
Translated by Dina Yusuf
Is man preordained or does he have absolute free will? This question occupies the minds of many people and scholars in both the past and the present. Even though this question has consumed a lot of time in researches and deep thought, it is still frequently asked. One may ask: What is the essence of man and his actions? Why would Allah punish man for his evil deeds whereas He created them both? What is the meaning of guidance? What are the means to it? Why would Allah punish those whom He predestined to be among the wretched? This booklet discusses the answers to these questions as well as other controversial issues.
free will,
Nasih Ulwan,
Fortification of the Muslim
Supplications from the Qur'an and Sunnah
Compiled by: Saeed Ibn Ali Ibn Wahf Al-Qahtani
Dar Al-Salam, Cairo, 2004
Translated by Khalifa Ezzat Abu Zeid
How Prophet Muhammad Offered Prayer
Author: Abdul Aziz ibn Abdullah ibn Baz
Dar Al-Salam, Cairo, 2006
Translated by Khalifa Ezzat Abu Zeid
Abdul Azizibn Abdullah ibn Baz,
Principle Islamic Rulings
Taken from the Hadith of the Prophet
Author: Imam Abdul-Ghani ibn Abdul-Wahid Al-Maqdasi (died in 600 A.H.), Verified by Ahmed Abdur-Raziq Al-Baqri
Dar Al-Salam, Cairo, 2010
The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad is the practical implementation of the Noble Qur’an, it was taught to the Prophet along with the Scripture, side by side. Neither the Noble Qur’an nor the honourable Sunnah can be understood correctly without recourse to the other.
Man's Freedom under his Servitude to Allah
Author: Dr. M.S. Ramadan Al Buti
Dar Al-Salam, Cairo, 2009
Translated by Anas Al-Rifa'i
What is the real size of fredom which man enjoys before the raliry of his servitude to Allah? What is reality of servitude?
What is the destiny of man's will beside the domination of Allah's will?...
Author: Dr. M.S. Ramadan Al Buti
Dar Al-Salam, Cairo, 2009
Translated by Anas Al-Rifa'i
What is the real size of fredom which man enjoys before the raliry of his servitude to Allah? What is reality of servitude?
What is the destiny of man's will beside the domination of Allah's will?...
Memorization of Qur'an
Author: Dr. Safwat Mustafa Halilovic
Dar Al-Salam, Cairo, 2007
Translated from Bosnian by Tajib Pasanbegovic
Why does one memorize the Qur’an? Who was the first hafiz of the Qur’an?
Do the people who have memorized the Qur’an possess some special characteristics?
What are the obligations of the hafiz towards the Qur’an and the Ummah?
How can one become a hafiz and how much time does he/she require to accomplish that?
Does the method of memorization in Bosnia differ from the method practiced in other parts of the world?
The answers to these and many other questions, along with specific advices and examples, you will find on the pages of this book.
The Rise and Development of Societal Obligation
(Fard Al-Kifayah)
In the Fundamentals of Islamic Jurisprudence
Author: Nahla Elharaki
Dar Al-Salam, Cairo, 2011
The book at hand studies the development of Fard Al-Kif?ya and answers the questions of who, what, where, when, why and how it developed by looking at various perspectives of Islamic theological jurisprudence. It examines the theory and practices of societal obligation.
Biblical prophecies of Muhammad
(Prayers and Peace be upon Him)
Author: Abdul Wahab Abdul Salam Tawila
Dar Al-Salam, Cairo, 2004
All prophets call to common principles and established fundamentals which are not different in essence. Details of legislation and rulings differ from nation to nation according to differences in time, places, and people’s conditions, what they are ready for, and the surrounding circumstances. It is the wisdom of Allah that he made for every nation a special prophet. The messages of previous prophets were a herald paving the way to the message of Muhammad the seal of Allah prophets and messengers. Therefore, Allah revealed to him a Book and inspiration which include a comprehensive, general, and perfect jurisprudence which tackles all aspects of life, and which is proper every time and place.
The Explanation of the Forty Hadith of Al-Imam Al-Nawawi
Author: Imam Muhammad Ibn 'Ali Ibn Wahb Al-Qushairi (Ibn Daqiq Al-'Id)
Dar Al-Salam, Cairo, 2011
Authenticated by Muhammad Awad Haikal
Translated by Dr. Mahmoud Hassan Al-Denawy
The collection of Forty hadith by Imam An-Nawawi (may Allah rest his soul in peace), has been known, accepted and appreciated by Muslim scholars for the last seven centuries. The book you have now gives more illustration, significance, and importance to those prophetic traditions.
They constitute the major branches of the Islamic creed and the one who sticks to which will never get astray. This is the legacy that the Prophet (peace be upon him) left for us.
forty hadith,
Islam the Religion of Peace
A message to the Human Concience to save the International Peace
Author: Dr. Abd Al-Sabour Shahinj
Dar Al-Salam, Cairo, 2009
Translated by Rania Gamal 'Abdul-Gawad
This book is addressing the human conscience. It is a scream to bring it out of its slumber. The oppressors have overstepped all limits. The enemies of truth and peace are fighting Islam. They have alienated Muslims describing them as terrorists. Nevertheless, terrorism is a product made by the enemies of peace and Islam while we as Muslims are entirely innocent of all what is imputed to us by the aggressors and the propagandists of neocolonialism.
Author: Abdullah Nasih Alwan
Dar Al-Salam, Cairo, 2004
Translated by Muhammad Mahmud Ghali
In this book, belief , according to the author, is that Muslim should firmly believe that our lives are in the Hand of Allah alone and that mans ordained lot can never miss him, nor can what he has missed ever be be his own share. Even if the whole world can come together for anything of profit to him, this will never come true unless Allah has prescribed it for him. similarly, even if the whole world can come together for anything adverse to him, this will never take place unless Allah prescribed it for him.
Nasih Ulwan
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